+33 (0)633695307

A dynamic family business

  • TPE (very small enterprise) : highly personalized services
  • 7 employees, thus high flexibility and reactivity, as well as a quick decision-making process
  • Average age of 39 ans, covering the whole professional age range from apprentice to senior employee – a sympathique mix  😉
  • ALTEZZA shares its knowledge! – We pass our knowledge and experience in the sector on to our interns and apprentices from the school of international business (BTS commerce international).

Our Values

Exporting is not just sending goods. It’s also a human adventure, a question of trust between two actors.

At ALTEZZA our reactivity, dependability and loyalty are devoted to our clients. These are our values and our work philosophy and have been for more than 20 years.

We listen to our clients and try to give them the best solutions.

We undertake:

– To answer rapidly
– To adapt to your needs
– To find the best solution to your own particular situation
– To target the exact product that you are looking for
– To ensure the delivery from start to finish
– To guarantee product consistency

Let us share with you our rigour and professionalism to ensure your success.